Thursday, May 24, 2012

Day 176

As I'm sure most of you do we have a Morning Meeting board where we go over the date, months, and a few other math things. (Yes, I have also downloaded Cara Carroll's Calendar Companion and it works great)(click on pic to check it out, it's fabulous and supplements math things in a great way)
Well, today our Number of the Day is day 176. Can you believe it?! Four more school days and we'll be done. I have such a grreat group of sweet (hilarious) kiddos. The younger grades add a straw, or dot on a tens frame, or tally mark to show a new day...every single day. Believe you me the school year seems daunting when you are only on day 25. Whooo. Now it's all gone by so quickly. Don't get me wrong I am R.E.A.D.Y. for break. I definitely need it. I should probably insert a picture of my haphardly organized desk or my stack of papers that need graded and input by next week but since I'm still a newbie I'll safe myself a little embarassment.

Each year in first grade (for at least the last 20 years) our school has put on a First Grade Circus. Each kid is assigned an act and we have volunteers that help us teachers 'train' the kids to do their act. Yesterday was CIRCUS DAY!! This year I trained the jump rope group and the basketball all-stars. This is my third year doing and I really do like it. A lot goes into and my co-teacher is fabulous and organizing it all and being patient while remindnig me or teaching how to do certain things. We decorate the gym, paint faces, make posters, have costumes, do hair, and do an intro song. It's really neat. I'm a little jealous that I didn't get to be in one in first grade. The other first grade teacher's husband is kind enough to record it and edit it. We all send home a DVD copy with each kid. The parents really like it.

I'll try to see if I can edit some pics to post.

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