Monday, July 23, 2012

Shopping Trip

Oh my goodness. First of all I think I should say how great the Newbie Blog Hop yesterday was. A.W.E.S.O.M.E. I found so many great bloggers and it seems a few found their way to me as well. I will be checking out their blogs as I get the chance, so if I haven't visited you, I totally will.

On to new news. :) Last week I made a trip to Barnes & Noble to get my copy of The Daily 5. To say I was sad that they were sold out was an understatement. So, I put myself on a waiting list and decided I needed a teenie tiny bit of teacher retail therapy. This brought me to Michael's where I wandered around for well over an hour. I was not only wishing to be more crafty I was also looking at things and thinking, "How can I use this in my classroom?" I'm sure I'm the only one that does that though *wink wink* I also had the joy of making an IKEA trip with some friends yesterday. Here are my finds:
Pom-Poms. I plan on gluing these to my dry erase markers and having instant erasers.
Styrofoam Ball--I plan on making one of those lollipop tree type things with it.
This is actually from the Dollar General. I thought it'd be the perfect trashcan to go with my Nonsense word game
Sorry about the glare. At IKEA I bought 5 rolls (at only 79 cents ea) of book cover paper. I thought it'd be great for a bulletin board or decorating my desk.
These are more IKEA finds. They were pretty cheap ice cube trays but I'm totally melting extra crayons in them.
I got this at Walmart a week ago for $2. It'll look great at Meet the Teacher night on my group table
Michael's had these adorable name tags for only $1 a pack.
Foam letters were 50 cents each. I'm going to jazz up my desk. I'll use these on it or make some kind of wreath or something. Too cute, sparkly, and colorful to pass up.
IKEA had packs of 5 cardboard magazine holders for only $1.99 each!! Daily 5 book boxes anyone?

So here are a few of my finds. I got my teacher discount at Michael's and I wish IKEA offered one, haha.  I know a lot of you have been classroom shopping, too. Any great finds I need to nab?


  1. Great finds! I would love to see the lollipop tree and your sparkle letters all finished!
    Happy Monday!

  2. Congratulations winner of the Liebster Blog!! :) Head over to my blog to get it!

  3. love the foam your newest follower drop by =)

    Just Wild About Teaching

  4. I love your ideas! I am nominating you for the Liebster award. Stop by sometime and check it out!


  5. After seeing your dogs, that you love IKEA, that you are also from Indiana, and that picture of Ryan and I must have a lot in common!

    Your newest follower,

  6. Oh, and not to mention the bog design...seriously! :)

  7. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I can't wait to see how the lollipop tree turns out! I'm your newest follower. :)

    The First Grade Scoop

  8. Oh! You just made me NEED to go to IKEA.... Hubs will just live that! :). It's a good thing that I live far enough from one that I can't go daily! ;)

    Love your finds! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
