Saturday, August 11, 2012

Are you a No Reply Commenter?

I want to thank all of you that read my blog and comment. Bloggers love comments, btw.  I have a very manageable amount of comments and I try to reply to many of them. I actually reply via email. When I get a comment I get an email notification and I can hit reply and write you back. Sometimes when I click reply though it'll show me that the commenter is a 'no-reply commenter' like this:

I actually had no idea what this was until the Newbie Blog Hop I was in last month... I was actually a 'no-reply commenter' myself. It's cool if you want to stay that way but I read on a few blogs (and Googled) how to change this so you can receive your replies.

"If you are "no-reply" blogger or if you don't even know, would you PLEASE follow these simple steps so that Pam can reply to all your fabulous comments? I's just 3 easy steps! Promise it won't take anymore time than you already spend on Pinterest! ha Isn't Pinterest FABULOUS? Don't get me started! Ok moving on to the tutorial now....

1. Got to your dashboard and click on Edit Profile
2. Check the "show my e-mail address" box
3. Hit Save Profile
...and get ready to receive replies to your comments! :)"
This tutorial was found here: