Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Happy August

Today is August 1st. If you're like me you have about two weeks until returning to school. Not that we haven't been in and out of our rooms all summer but that was when it was quiet. In just a few days our organized, decorated, thoughtful rooms will be overflowing with inquisitive little hands and feet.

First grade is such a year of growth. Now I know students grow each year and I may be bias but I feel it's a growth so vast that some seem like brand new kiddos. I've made a mini-packet to help me keep samples of how far their writing and drawing has really come. I do journals yearly but I thought it'd be neat to see the samples side by side. I've also created a page where the kids will write their name each month so you can see how much this changes. I'm hoping to keep these samples safe all year and make something neat to send home to the parents in May. Please check it out at my TpT store.

There is a First Grade version and a general version.


  1. I love this monthly project! Such a good idea! :)
    Apples and ABC's

    1. Thanks so much. It almost makes me want to ffwd to May to see how it turned out!

  2. I think I am biased too, but I love the HUGE growth first graders make too!!

    Just found your sweet blog :)

    T.G.I.F. (Thank God it's First Grade!)

    1. Biased or not their growth never ceases to amaze me.

      Thanks for stopping by!
