Sunday, August 5, 2012

My first currently...and a few other things

They found me...I don't know how but they found me!! Who?...the Libyans  the school supply catalog people. I checked my mail and oh my was stuffed. I'm really not sure how they got my home address but I sure love flipping through these magazine. I mean you see the owls on that top magazine. Adorbs.

Well, I don't know about your district but I get my new set of kiddos on August 14th. I'll get to meet them (and their families) the day this is my last week of doing everything on my own schedule. Oh how I'll miss eating and bathroom breaks on my own schedule. I'd like to say the doggies are going to miss me but they're currently snoozing beside me...well maybe they'll miss my warmth?

Today I am going to a surprise party (shhhh!) for a coworker that was diagnosed with breast cancer earlier in the year. She completed her treatment and her follow-ups show that she's cancer free and today her family is giving her a surprise party. It was breast cancer so we were asked to wear pink and also bring a side dish. No biggie... I <3 pink...a lot. I picked out a pretty bright shirt and I pulled out my brightest pink nail polish. My side dish...well I'm not a person that cooks a lot however I bake and do sweets. I decided to make fudge...but with WHITE CHOCOLATE so I could put pink food coloring in it. Right now my pink fudge is cooling. :)

Have you used Vistaprint??? I'm dying to try and was playing around the other day and came up with this teacher bag.

I mean You Might Be a First Grader...swag...yes please!! Well, the same day I was playing around on Vistaprint I saw Angie's giveaway over at Rulin' the Roost. and guess's for a Vistaprint gift card!!! I'd looooove to win it. Head over and check it out.

Last, but certainly not least I'm linking up with Farley over at Oh' Boy 4th Grade and doing my first "Currently"...excited. :)

Click here to find Babbling Abby's Fun with Firsties packet (she has versions for other grades, too)
Click here to check out my Beginning-to-End Comparison packet.


  1. I love getting a new supply catalogue in the mail!! :)

    Ashley @ Fierce in Fourth

    1. @Ashley Me too! I hardly order from them but I love to take the time to thumb through each and every page.

  2. Two things I love:
    That bag....what a great idea!!
    Curtis Stone....squeeeeeee!! I remember when he had that show Take Home Chef; I would get all dolled up to go to the store in hopes he would be there. Le sigh. Unfortunately, he has alluded me all these years.

    Carrie :)
    The First Grade Derby

    1. @Carrie When his show Home Chef came out it totally made me want to go to the fancy grocery store and hope he'd come in.

      Even if I don't win the gift card I'll probably order myself the bag...can't pass up stuff with my name on it!

  3. What a great idea for a bag design!! You've got me wanting to design one based on my blog!! :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  4. I just ran across your blog and I am now one of your newest followers. I also teach first grade so I'm looking forward to reading your future blog posts.

  5. Came across your blog on Farley's page. Now I am your newest follower.

  6. Just came across your blog! I too am a first grade teacher and am always looking for new ideas!

  7. I love getting the catalogs and circle way more than I know I'll ever buy. I've heard of many using Vistaprint. I haven't yet, but after seeing your cute bag I might! I found your blog through the linky and now I'm your newest follower. I think #96. Getting so close to 100!!! I'm a newbie blogger and would love to have you stop by and check out my blog when you get a chance.
