Friday, March 30, 2012

A little about me and a little about my blog...

As you can tell this blog doesn't look fancy or very 'first gradery'...YET. I'm planning on changing the look and blogging more as time goes on. I just couldn't wait for all the formatting and whatnot to be done so I decided to choose a blogger template and just start writing. I went through a few names for my blogs and finally landed on "You Might Be a First Grader...". If you get the reference--double cool points for you! As a teacher the kids say all of these things or do all of these things and in your head you just thing "Only a first grader." You know what I'm talking about. The stories that only your other teacher friends get but your non-teacher friends look at you funny, lol. At least that's how I feel sometimes. :)

Hmm, now about little about me. My name is Brenda. I graduated from Purdue University with my BA in Elementary Education. I'm licensed K-6 with a reading endorsement. It took me a year longer than I thought to actually get a teaching job. It was pretty hard to find a job (and that was 6 years ago). I did some subbing and short-term leaves. I met someone that knew someone and here I am today. I've taught first and second grade. I always wanted to teach the older kids but for now I couldn't imagine leaving the little ones. I'm not married and don't have any kids...unless of course you count the 23 in my room. I do have two dogs. I'm sure you'll see more about them.

Like I mentioned, I'm new at this. I do have a TpT store that you can find here. I am still adding to it. You don't realize how much time it takes to make these units and pages look 'just right'. So a big kudos to all the bloggers I follow and purchase units from. Definitely time consuming.  That said if you'd like to be my FIRST EVER commenter please leave a comment and choose something from my TpT store and I'll email it to you for FREE! (haha, in my head I went all Oprah...You get a unit! And you get a unit!)

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