Monday, June 18, 2012


Hey! I hope every one is having a great break so far. I've been soaking up some rays at the pool and I go on vacation in two weeks! Super excited.

I'm trying to keep school off my brain but it's just not working. I have however had the will power to not drive to school and go into my room. It doesn't hurt that it's about 30 minutes away and I'm not sure how much the custodians have done. I certainly don't want to get in their way.

I just wanted to mention one of the sites our librarian/tech teacher shared with us last year. It's pretty neat. I modeled some of it on the projector for my kiddos.

As you can see there are reading/seasonal/math activities for K-5

So check it out this summer and maybe you can integrate it into computer centers or lab time. 

Oh, there are abcya apps for iPad, too. They aren't free but many were just 99 cents. 


  1. I love this website!

    I just stumbled upon your blog and LOVE it!!!

    I cannot find your followers button...of course, it could be my eyes and the fact I have been blog stalking too long! =)

    I would love for you to come visit me when you get the chance. I teach 1st grade and just posted lots and lots of *freebies*. I would be blessed if you hopped over for a visit.

    I am off to stalk your blog now! =)

    Heather's Heart

    1. Haha! I spent the day blog stalking and pinning. I know what you mean! I have a 'follow by email' gadget to the left of my blog. Thanks for the freebie heads up!

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