Sunday, June 3, 2012

Linky Up

I was catching up on some blog reading today. One blog lead to a link to another, then another, then another. Not only did time slip away from me but I was reminded why it's called 'the web'.

I stumbled upon one blog that was involved in a linky party. So I did what you're supposed to do...followed it to the source! It was a really neat link up so I decided that I'd link up.

The linky is the top 5 classroom things that you cannot live without. I will say it was hard to narrow it down, but here are mine:
1.Ceiling projector (this one is not mine but you get the gist)

2.Many of our classrooms have ceiling projectors that come with....
A bluetooth writing pad

This connects to my desktop and I turn on my projector and I can project websites, documents, and all kinds of stuff. We do our math workbook pages on the projector now. Love it. Love this device.

3. ipad 2
Our school does not have classroom ipads (that's more of a list of Top 5 things I Want in my Classroom) but I did buy a personal one. I love it. I have brought it in to show the students some apps I've downloaded that relate to what we're learning. I bought some digital Dr. Suess books (much cheaper than hardback and there's an option for it to read to the student) I downloaded butterfly life cycle apps and books, and I've downloaded some fun photo apps that we've used just for the heck of it. 

4. My Classroom Clip Chart
This has completely changed classroom management in my room. I really enjoy it. I feel that I'm a strict but fair teacher. There are certain non-negotiables or zero tolerance things that require attention. With this the students move their clip down but luckily the day is not ruined. There is an opportunity to clip up. It gives an overall average of the day's behavior rather than just a reflection of what could have been one bad choice.

5. I'll say it... Pinterest
I started reading blogs last summer and I was hooked. Then a month or two later I was guided to Pinterest and my free time is no longer free. This resource has proved itself invaluable. It's pretty much my teacher search engine...not to mention given me a slew of craft ideas for summer break.
Follow Me on Pinterest

So there we have it! What are your Top 5? Linky up! (leave a linkback)


  1. Thanks oh-so much for joining up with all of us. I love getting to read about everyone's killer resources. I just had a projector installed in my room and didn't use it nearly enough this year. Any ideas on how I should work it into the mix more? Happy Sunday . . . and thanks again :)

    Kelley Dolling
    Teacher Idea Factory

  2. I really enjoyed reading about them too. I'm very excited about that math site. :)

    Truthfully my first year or so with the projector was just used for movies. Now I use it every day.

    Here are a few ways I use it
    -I still use it for movies
    -Educational YouTube videos
    -United Streaming videos (subscription required)
    -PowerPoint presentations (I often make these for phonics lessons)
    -Our math textbook is available online (saves desk space and firsties don't really need a hardback book)
    -Our math workbook is available in pdf form so I can can project it and use my writing pad that I mentioned to do problems together
    -As mentioned in a previous post I purchased
    Cara Carroll's Calendar Companion
    and I project it daily
    -Virtual manipulatives for math
    -Any time we're going to do something in the computer lab I preview the site, logging in, examples
    -Slideshow of pictures for open house for the parents

    Each year I do more and more with it. I long for a SmartBoard though.

    Thanks so much for your reply. You're my first ever reply to my new little blog so you get something from my TpT store if you want it.
