Thursday, June 7, 2012

Wednesday no...Thursday

I tell you not doing calendar time five days a week is already starting to mess with me. I thought it was Wednesday at first and until I actually thought about it I couldn't really tell you what date it was...I knew June but the number part was slipping away. lol #TeacherProblems

I really only started reading classroom blogs last summer. Summer was winding down and I was getting into school mode and looking for new ideas. I just Googled "first grade blog" and dozens and dozens of blogs popped up. I started strolling through them and I found some goodies. I found The Inspired Apple and The First Grade Parade in my very first searches. I was floored about what these women could do. I'd made plenty of Word worksheets and PowerPoints but nothing on the scale (professional or creative) that I'd seen from those bloggers and the many I've started following since. Each day it seems I'm exposed to a new corner of the blogosphere. I'll continue my blog fangirl rant another day. If you're interested in some of the blogs I follow you can check them out to the right of this post.

I started putting these blogs into  Google Reader. Pretty handy but once I got my iPad it wasn't as easily accessible as on my pc or even my bookmarks folder. I downloaded Flipboard after a recommendation from a friend. I love it. I've also linked my twitter and fb accounts to it. You can "flip" through social media, RSS feeds, and other things like a magazine. It's really neat. It also updates when I open the app so I can see the newest blog posts from my bloggie faves.

landscape view

portrait view
This is available on Apple products and the website said it was in Beta for Android. It's worth checking out if you have a supported device.

For now I'm off. I just found out that my cable provider has the entire Season 8 of Grey's Anatomy on demand! I'm stoked. 

And one more thing before I go. After the font linky party I found some more that I love. Here is maybe my new favorite font. I totally add these little dots when making an anchor chart or something fun for the kiddos. Some of them even started doing it. 
Go through the gallery.

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