Monday, July 30, 2012

I was a guest blogger!!! (and a freebie)

On Saturday I guest blogged (for the first time ever!) over at Learning is Something to Treasure. She has an amazing blog if you haven't stopped by.

So, without further adieu here was my post (and a freebie).

As many of you may know Lisa is enjoying some of her summer break with family and has asked for some guest bloggers this week. I jumped on board! I have been a fan of hers from the moment I stumbled upon her adorable blog. I feel so excited, honored, nervous, and anxious to be blogging here. She has a great group of followers. I see all the love she gets in the comments when I'm blog stalking checking my Google Reader.

My name is Brenda and I blog over at You Might Be a First Grader... I've been teaching first grade for a few years and decided to throw my hat into blogging ring this past spring. It is such an awesome community. This year, for the first time since I've been at my school, we're having a "Meet the Teacher" night before school starts. Normally we have an Open House mid-September but the district decided to do something new this year. I'm really looking forward to it. I don't know about you but I have a lot of parents bring their firsties in to meet me and see their classroom before school begins. While I'm thrilled to meet them my room is usually in less than stellar condition (because I'm working so diligently, haha) and I'm usually sporting a pony tail and t-shirt. Now I have an opportunity to prepare, decorate, pick out an outfit, and slap on some make-up. However, I also have to prepare stuff for my first back to school night! I thought I'd share a few of my creations with you and hopefully they'll give you ideas or help you out.
Parent Volunteer Sign Up Sheet

I made printable labels to adhere to mini-candy bars or other treats
A little scavenger hunt to have them find things in the room (and give them something active to do)

If you'd like to download these things for free then click here to go to my TpT store and download. It's a zip file so you get them all in one download.

I want to thank Lisa for giving me this chance to talk with you all. Please feel free to check out my first grade blog.


1 comment:

  1. I saw this on Pinterest and loved it! Thanks for sharing!! I love your blog and am a new follower!

    I am hosting a giveaway at my blog...come on over and check it out!

    Keeping It Core
