Thursday, August 2, 2012

Favorite Back to School Activity Linky

So I was checking out Mrs. Stanford's Class for the first time the other day (love it!) and I saw her latest linky up.

She linked up with Jodi @ Fun in First Grade who is hosting a linky about your favorite back to school activity.
Fun in First

And I've been wanting to do another linky party and there are so many cool ones out there.

This is something fun that I've wanted to do since I saw the pin. Perhaps the neatest thing about this linky up is I'm choosing something from Jodi's blog that I pinned almost a year ago and am just now realizing where I got the idea from. Small world, huh?

Directly from her blog post:
"One of the activities for the first day is Magic Playdoh.  I make this the weekend before by mixing 1 cup salt and 2 cups flour and 2 tablespoons cream of tartar into a saucepan.    Add 2 tablespoons vegetable oil, and 2 cups water and cook over medium heat while stirring constantly.  It will start to harden within a couple of minutes and will start to form a ball.  At this point, remove it onto a floured surface and kneed until nice and smooth.  Put it in a ziplock bag and place it in the refrigerator overnight.  The next day, roll this into individual balls.  Make an indention and put 1-2 drops of food coloring into the indention.  Close up the indention and place the ball into a Ziplock baggie.  Repeat for the number of students in your class, including extras for those that register on the first day of school. {This sounds time consuming, but it actually is pretty easy.}
Then I attach the following poem to each baggie. (I did not write this poem.)"
First Day of School Activity
Click pic to download poem

So head on over to Jodi's blog and link up with your beginning of the year ideas. Leave me comment and tell me what you do on that first day! (Mine is coming up in less than 2 weeks, eek!)


  1. This is such a cute idea!! I love it! Thanks for sharing!! :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  2. I love the play dough idea!!! I have thought of making my own play dough and adding the cute color twist with the poem for the first day of school. :)

    - Vicky

  3. I'm a little nervous about making the dough but I'm excited to see their faces when the dough changes color!!

    I think I'll make my nephews my guinea pigs. :)
