Thursday, June 20, 2013

Throwback Thursday

Today I'll be linking up with Cara over at The First Grade Parade. She has such a great idea to get the blog ideas flowing. You find an old post (maybe it was real popular, maybe there's a freebie, maybe you were a newbie and not a lot of people saw it, maybe you just plain like it)

Last summer I really picked up blogging steam. For a few weeks in a row (before 5 for Friday took over my blogging Fridays) I'd blog about some of my favorite pins.
click here to link up

Here's my Throwback for Thursday!

**Click link to go to source of pin**
1. Using Unifix cubes to teach coin value
Such a neat visual and kiddos should be able to count by 5s by the time you introduce money.

2. Sight Word Uno
I love all things Uno! This was great. To beat it all, it's FREE!
3. Flip Chute!!!
This is so neat you really need to watch the video to understand. Soooo many possibilities.

4. Labeling your stuff!
Every year I have my teacher supplies for the kiddos to borrow. They're kept in a special place and I often spend the time to write BC somewhere on the item. We all know that that Sharpie does eventually wipe off though...sigh. So not only does that happen but there will be those times that the kiddos get out their crayon box and you revert to being a 7yr old and in your head you say, "Hey, those are my scissors!" Well, why not use some jazzy duct tape. No disputing that.

(I had pink duct tape on all of my dry erase markers, glue sticks, and scissors---it was bright pink so I knew who exactly had my materials and maybe needed to clean our their desk or get a note sent home about stocking supplies--2013)

5. Teacher Folders
These are so neat. I really hope you've checked out his videos. He has tons of ideas, especially if you're into musical teaching or attention grabbing strategies. Ever hear, "What do we do when we're done?" Well here's one idea you copy some things for the kiddos to work math facts, handwriting, connect-the-dots, spelling, etch. You slide it into a sheet protector and put it in their binder (I use math binders so it'll be easy for me to integrate) and Poof! instant stuff to do when they're done.


  1. Love this link up! Thanks fit sharing all of your great pins!!!

    Table talk with c and c

  2. Love this link up! Thanks fit sharing all of your great pins!!!

    Table talk with c and c

  3. Cute pins! I've seen a few of those too! *LOVE* all things decorative duct tape, lol! I used bring pink zebra print this year, so there was no questioning whether or not it belonged to the teacher, lol! Thanks for sharing!

    A+ Firsties
