Saturday, July 13, 2013

Homework Folders

      Each year I give every student one shiny new homework folder just for them. My homework folders have evolved. In the beginning I used a regular cheapo folder and I laminated it--cheap--kinda durable--easy to replace...but I replaced quite a few. Then I started ordering homework folders from a school supply company. They were cutesy and had clip art and fun fonts and sometimes even 100s charts or homework help tips on them. They were not cheap though...and I still had to replace quite a few.

      I went to school a few weeks ago and checked my mailbox and I had a free sample folder. Um..FREE...who cares what it looked like--it was free, I'd find a way to use it. Well, it was actually a folder I had seen in action when I did a maternity leave long long ago. The school had purchased (lucky!) a set for each classroom of these plastic durable folders with inserts and wording on the inside. The school ordered them in their school colors.

      The folder apparently come in a variety of colors and styles. My sample was purple and was intended to be a homework folder and had labels inside. I got some more samples in the mail the other day. Here are some pics of the folders:

3 hole punched

3 hole punched

3 hole punched

3 hole punched

  There are a lot of ordering options and it's cheaper to order in bulk so if you can get the whole school to order or even a few classroom teachers to order together at once it'd be a value and free shipping. If you're unsure about the folders you could get the teacher pack. I already ordered regular cutesy folders for the upcoming year but I may just keep those for writing or something else. I really like the plastic durability of these folders and the insert sleeves. I could put my behavior charts in one and a cute classroom page in the front.
If my coworkers don't want to go in on folders I may order the Teachers--Test--Pack
Oh, and on some of the folders you can submit your own ready to go text and they'll use it instead of the standard text.

If you want to check out the website to order or get more information click the image below

Have you used these before? Or would you?


  1. I haven't seen these ever! Does it feel durable???? I may have to pass this along to our principal. I LOVE plastic folders. We have them on our list, but they are so expensive for our families. The 10 cent ones are usually what we get. :)
    Thanks for sharing!!!!

  2. We used these for the first time this past year. Let me tell you. They held up ALL YEAR! In the past we usually went through three of more paper folders every year for our homework folders. This year - I didn't have to replace a single one! AWESOME!

    Christina :)
    Apples, Books, and Crayons

  3. Our school uses them for Parent Communication. They go home every week and they last all year. I can even reuse them the following year as some are still in great shape!
    First Grade and Fearless

  4. Our school has selected to use these for grades 3-8 in place of the agenda books that we used to use. K-2 are keeping the agendas. The reason for our switch is two-fold - first, the cost is quite a bit less. The second reason is that half the students didn't use the agendas appropriately, if at all - especially in the upper grades.

    I think the switch will be fine. And, if the students lose theirs, it can be replaced with a folder.

  5. We use the communicator folders. My students take them home every night and they hold up very well. We order them every year and use student fee money to pay for them.

  6. All of these great reviews are really making me feel good about ordering these folders!

  7. Thank you for posting about these. I have been looking for the company that makes these for a while. My co-workers really need a visual so I might do the teacher test pack. But I have seen these folders come in with students from other schools and I love them. They are plastic and last all year. Plus they have a clear plastic insert on the front and the back which I think would be awesome for homework or review charts. Thanks!:) Now I have to figure out how to get my school to purchase these instead of the paper folders that they get every year, blah!
    Kinders on the Block

  8. Hi! I am your newest follower! We all use these at my school and we love them. They are very durable and I have never had any trouble other than some of my students misplacing them at home lol. I would definitely recommend them! Please feel free to stop by my blog as well... :)

