Friday, July 5, 2013

Oh so Pinteresting

Cara is on a roll with these fun linky parties.

Okay---read this next sentence---and I *dare* triple dog dare you not to end up singing it.

These are a few of my favORite pins (okay, I ended up singing it...and or is in all caps because I have an awesome singing voice--in the shower)

My fave teacher pins this week:
To encourage 100% work (I may do this with spelling, reading, and/or math tests) source
Not only does it correspond to the CCS and a push from my district but I'm wanting to incorporate more literature and writing into math. Maybe not a main component but some cross-curricular action. (original source didn't work)

I make most of my own behavior management stuff. Last year I ended up making month-long calendars to record clip chart results. Well, why reinvent the wheel? These are fab. source

I printed this (and some other saying/subway art) for the classroom. I'm going to find some cute frames and hopefully hang them in my room. source

I hate wasted space in my classroom--because I have so much stuff and space is limited. I'm not sure what I'll end up doing but this was a good idea. source

Foodie pins:
Yes please! source
I'm more of a chocolate, caramel, peanut butter person but since it's summer this looked so refreshing! source
And some funny ha-ha pins:

I had a lot more pins but I can only make you scroll so far. ;)

I'm going to go find some more awesome pins----because my boards aren't full enough. Somewhere on the left of this post you can click to follow me on Pinterest. 

Click here to link up!


  1. YUM! I am going to have to repin your Snickers Fudge! That looks so good!
    First Grade Funtastic

  2. Ohhh....I {heart} those math journal sentence starters and that snickers fudge looks super yummy!

  3. That Einstein poster is mine :) Thanks for pinning/posting it!
    La SeƱorita Creativa

  4. Found you on Cara's linky and I am your newest follower! That Snicker's fudge looks AMAZING! Also love the Math journal ideas!

    Fun in First Grade!

  5. LOVE your Bubblegum finds! I want to do that too!
    Pinning is so inspirational!
    Happy Friday!
    Ms. Marciniak's First Grade Critter Cafe

  6. I really enjoy finding new blogs to follow from this linky. You have so many great pins. The second ecard made me laugh- isn't it the truth.


  7. Love all the pins you posted!
    Visit our blog at!
    Looking forward to seeing next weeks pins!

  8. Love the bubblegum club idea! And thank you for the love!! :)
    A Cupcake for the Teacher
