Sunday, December 28, 2014

Read and Recall Update

Hey everyone! I hope you had a great holiday and if you're like me you're definitely enjoying your time off school. Yes I love and miss the kiddos and have seen some updates about them on FB but I've really enjoyed no alarms, comfy clothes, Netflix, organizing my home, and staying up late. The joys of winter break. :)

I've also decided to use this time to update some products and classroom activities I've updated my Read and Recall homework assignment from a few months ago. I've increased the complexity of the questions and I've covered different reading skill to better reflect what I'll be teaching in the second semester. The original is still there if you didn't get a chance to snag it. Oh and it's still FREE. I also plan on adding/updating some Journeys products so keep an eye out if you are also using the Journeys reading series.

Please leave feedback (what you like and what you'd like to see when I create more pages)


click here to download from TpT


  1. I love your Read and Recall and the level versions. I can't seem to find the link to download it. Perhaps I need more coffee or shouldn't have woken up so early during break.

  2. Hey Joanne, I hope you see this. It wouldn't let me respond via email. The link is below the first picture but here it is if you need it or that link doesn't work. :) Thanks for stopping by!

  3. This is very helpful. Thanks for this wonderful idea. It will really help our pupils and students. Thank you so much.

  4. The above comment was by Tchr. Salifu Mark

  5. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!!!! Would you consider making some for non-fiction books? Thank you.

  6. Thank you for sharing this useful, clear and simple reading guidance resources.
