Friday, June 29, 2012

Just Pinning It

Not quite sure if I'll turn this into a weekly thing but I was Pinning(v.)  today. I've actually not been on Pinterest in over a week. Not sure if you believe me or not but there were actually no withdrawal symptoms. I'm shocked, too.

So, here are a few of my most recent pins.
Click to see all of my Classroom Pins
1. Remind 101
Send a mass text or email to parents without divulging your phone number.
"Pajama Day tomorrow"
"Permission Slips Due"
"Field Trip Thursday!"

2. Daily 5 Rotation Cards

3. BookRetriever
(I haven't downloaded this  yet, but I plan on it. I just really like that I can add levels and print labels)
iPhone Screenshot 1

This is the Classroom Library Company's accompanying app for managing book borrowing between teachers, parents, and 


It allows you to scan, level, and inventory your entire Classroom Library as well. There's even a handy label printing function that allows you to print through a wireless connection! We have over 178,000 titles loaded with as much reading level information as we can find. We're constantly updating Guided Reading Levels, Lexile, Accelerated Reader, Reading Counts, DRA, and Reading Recovery and we are adding more every day

4. Dollar Store Photo Album
I'm going to put flashcards into a cheap photo album....POOF...instant dry erase flashcards

5. Spiral Bind books

What was your favorite pin this week?

Pinned Image

3 Replies:

Anonymous said...

I just downloaded the remind101 app. Can't wait to try it out.
I would love for you to stop by sometime=)

The Busy Busy Hive

Miss Cosby said...

I'm excited to try it out, too! I sent myself a few practice texts. :)


Delighted said...

I used remind101 last year. Absolutely loved it! It was so nice being able to set up the reminders in advanced (so I wouldn't My parent really liked it!

I'm your newest follower. Hop over and check out my blog when you have a moment. :-)

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