Sunday, June 10, 2012

Summer Plans

Yes, I'm still loving the linky parties. :) I decided to host one and it was a topic that I think we will all have tons to say about. I've been out of school for a week now and most schools are also out for break. Everyone that knows me knows that I'm a teacher so one of the buzz questions I've been getting is "Do you have any plans this summer?" I'm pretty sure no one wants to hear my plans of vegging out and catching up with my beloved Netflix so I tell them some things I may do and a vacation I have planned next month. Well, this got me thinking. This is the first summer that I'm not working my retail summer job so I plan on enjoying every minute of break...every...single...minute. I really want to make the most of it.

So, this summer I plan to:
1. I'm going to Florida!!!
I really wanted to go over spring break but my spring break travel buddy works in another district so our breaks didn't match up. :( We decided to go this summer and I'm super stoked. We'll get to stay longer and yes the weather may be hotter but 90 degrees and humid at home or 90 degrees and humid at the beach? No brainer here.

2. Reading!
This past school year I really fell behind as a reader...well unless of course you count Fancy Nancy and seasonal books. I've been under a literary rock. I need to read the Hunger Games series and every one (from real life friends to bloggie friends) is talking about Fifty Shades of Grey. There are more I'd like to read but I'm picking a few and making myself stick to them. So hopefully I'll have my Nook at the beach working on my tan while enjoying a good read.

3. Blog Blog Blog
I'm still new to the blogging community so I'm making it a goal to blog through out the summer (I already have back to school blog ideas!) and to comment more on the blogs I've been following...and all the new ones that those blogs introduce me to. I'm really going to try to be an active member of the community. 
4. Bike
I bought my beautiful bike at the beginning of May. I'd really like get out and ride it more. 

5. Pinterest Ideas
I have TONS of things pinned on various boards on Pinterest. (Check my boards out, pretty cool) I do a lot of the classroom things that I pin. I haven't really had the time (or to be honest the motivation) to do a lot of the recipes or more crafty things. (Yeah, I added some school stuff...but they're things I want to make for my classroom.)

DIY dry erase board- picture frame with glass, cute scrapbook paper, and dry erase markers
Reading ideas
  Bacon wrapped ChickenPaint ends different colors so you know who you called on. 

Fantastic. I always forget and this way I don't have to keep printing lists.

I could really think of tons more things but this is already an image/word heavy post so I'll leave it at 5...for now.. Can I linky up on my own party and add 5 more, haha.

Join the party and tell me what you plan on doing this summer. This'll probably make my to do list grow but I love hearing how other people spend their breaks.

Frame From The 3 am Teacher

4 Replies:

Kelley Dolling said...

I just posted today . . . but I am all over this Linky tomorrow!! Thanks for visiting :)

Kelley Dolling
Teacher Idea Factory

Anonymous said...

I wish I was going somewhere this summer but the only place I am going is in my backyard to the pool with a good book, hopefully. I might have to hide from my own kids to enjoy it!

The Busy Busy Hive

Kerri Buckner said...

I just found your cute blog. Love it! I'm going to try to link up with this party today.
Ms. Kerri and her Krazy Kindergarten

Miss Cosby said...

I look forward to reading about your summer plans!

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