So with the world in chaos but school expected to go on like it's sunshine and roses we are all learning to give instruction in new ways. My school has been using Seesaw in K-1 for a few years but the freebie version. This year our district paid for Seesaw for Schools and we are ecstatic! I've been an ambassador so I've had access to some of the awesome features for a while now. I will say I absolutely LOVE having seemingly unlimited activities (free version caps at 100) and the option to schedule activities has been invaluable during virtual learning.
My school did a phased in approach so each student had assignments virtually at some point throughout the week. We also have students in the district with medical needs so some classroom teachers also have virtual students even once we've phased in all of the students f2f. So they're teaching twice. So, as a team each grade level has decided to divide and conquer. We collaborate and divvy out digital lesson planning. Next week we are working on composing numbers and among those lessons is making a ten. Some kids will receive the lesson on Seesaw and the others in person. So, I've created an activity that both groups could do to show what they've learned. I enjoy creating and sharing what I've made and I like seeing the kids familiarize themselves with technology. Yes, in person I still use plenty of hands-on materials. I've accumulated MANY counters in my years in first grade, lol.
This activity is going to be used as follow up to the main lesson or two. I plan on playing the Jack Hartman video....why you ask....because the kids LOVE him, lol. I'll also do a fun rainbow craft I found from another great blogger, and my in-person kiddos will have tangible counters. However, some kids will be learning from home and I want to make it kinda fun and interactive.

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