So after making the sight word game I was in the flow and decided to make some math fact versions. I made +0s -- +10s. Woot! Woot!
I am very excited to try them in the class. Again, honesty here--we had a phased in approach so I haven't had my whole class for too long and we are 100% moving slower and doing a lot of review and number sense activities. Normally, we are knee-deep in addition by now. So I can probably do the +0s and +1s comfortably with the group but I'm going to wait to roll it out.
I will say they are getting pretty darn good at Seesaw.
Oh, and did I mention I also have the Google Slides!?


As promised I have a freebie for ya! This is the doubles to 10 (10 +10) game board.

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