- Listening--I like some reality tv. This is one I'm just now getting into. I love seeing how their cakes turn out.
- Loving--Umm...Indiana and 60 degrees in December. Yes please!
- Thinking--I have my CCS Math Centers all printed and laminated....and that's as far as I've made it.
- Wanting--While we're experiencing good weather right now I know it's only a matter of time until we're back to normal...and well...heading out to warm up the car is no fun. I'd like to get a remote starter. I've even seen some that I can download an app to use instead of the keyfob thing.
- Needing--I did some Christmas shopping online and part of it is being shipped through UPS. However they keep showing up when I'm not home. They won't leave my packages and I'm afraid they'll be sent back!! Eek!
- RAK--Like I mentioned I live in an apartment complex and I think it'd be fun idea to just randomly give someone a card to wish them a happy holiday.

I am sooo close to 200 followers!! Thanks! I am planning a great giveaway (with the help of some great bloggers!). I just need to reach that number first. :D
12 Replies:
I found you through the Currently this month. Congratulations on nearing 200 followers! I lived in an apartment and I can definitely sympathize with the stress of ordering online in that scenario. Good luck getting your goodies!
Polka Dots and Teaching Tots
Some days, I just need the laminating to cut itself out... I feel ya'! Let me know if you want any help with your giveaway!! Love seeing what you are CuRrEnTly up to...
Hello Mrs Sykes
Ugh! Cutting out lamination is so tedious!! :( Hopefully there will be some good Lifetime movies on tomorrow to keep you occupied! :)
Second Grade Sparkle
You just reminded me that I brought home a tons of stuff to laminate AND cut out so you're a step ahead of me!
Rowdy in First Grade
I have so many things that need laminated, unfortunately our laminator is broken at school. Think I'm going to have to break down and take it somewhere. Hope you get all yours cut out! :-)
I'm currently bribing some big kids to help me cut laminating. I HATE it!
I've had 60s too. I'm loving it but it's hurting my Christmas spirit!
Trying to help! I believe I am follower number 195! I am trying to get to 100 so I can do a giveaway! Stop by if you get the chance!
Second Grade is Out of This World
Hi, I love your RAK...that can really make someone's day...very thoughtful!
Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After
Automatic car starter was a life saver before I had a garage!! And your RAK if super sweet! You're so close to 200 :)
❤ -Stephanie
Falling Into First
This Indiana weather is crazy, right? I'm a fellow Indiana teacher/blogger- and a new follower! :) I wonder if you're anywhere close to me!
Luckeyfrog's Lilypad
Thanks for all the bloggy love! I did finish cutting out my laminated stuff...well...I thought I did. One boy...in one center...found a few Santas that weren't cut out. D'oh!
Getting my Christmas Cards soon for my RAK!
Am I completely warped if I say I actually enjoy cutting out lamination?! Don't know what it is but it's therapeutic for me. I need to get a life. Or get out anywhere. But I if I went out I would take my lamination with me. Send it on over!
Hmmm there's my side business... ;)
Fluttering Through First Grade
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