I've completley been a bad blogger. I just haven't had the energy or drive to type and post lately. I've been reading other blogs believe you me. I have a ton of turkey-pilgrim-election-Veterans Day ideas running through my head.
Last year we painted flags to decorate my window. I really like the sun shining through them and it was our first painting activity all year so they were psyched. I'll be doing this on Monday as part of my Veteran's Day lessons.
We talked about Stars and Stripes
and what they meant and the number of each. They took artistic
liberties, lol. Sorry, I don't have any closer pics. I just posted this
one on FB last year to show my friends. This was BB (before blogging)
Thankful for soldiers :) A prime example of invented spelling. |
Thankful for toys. |
Thankful for food. (No idea what this is a picture of) |
In other news:
I've read about Scentos on a dozen other blogs and was
intrigued jealous! I couldn't find them an--y--where! (not here or there, not anywhere!) I did find them online but I didn't really want to order them without trying them in person. Tonight I found them at Target. Who doesn't love walking through Target and stumbling upon things? They had these Christmas themed ones and they had a pack of traditional ones. I decided to give these a try. They were only $3 so I may be going to Target (or a different Target for more scents!) tomorrow.
To get out of my un-blogging funk I'm going to put my nose to the grindstone and work on my November math packet. I've started but it needs a lot more. What do your firsties need practice with this month? I'm also going to complete Set 3 of my math journal prompts. (If you'd like to check out
Set 1 or
Set 2 click to read about them)
I should also mention that one of my little sweeties said that she was thankful that we didn't have Hurricane Sandy here. I didn't even know if any of my kids knew what was going on on the east coast and then to hear her say that...
If you haven't checked out
Erica Bohrer's Hurricane Unit, you should. She lives on the east coast and created this packet to raise money for the people that were effected by the hurricane. She's donating all the proceeds from the sales of this unit.
2 Replies:
I believe...that is a picture of a table with their little plate of food. Drawing 3 dimensional shapes is hard LOL! I love the invented spelling. So cute!
Keep Calm and Apple On
Oh my gosh, I totally understand about the blogging funk!! I've had so many ideas running through my head, but just hadn't had the energy to blog about them recently! Thankfully the 3 day weekend did wonders and I got all re-energized! I had never heard about the Scentos, but they sound amazing!! Definitely going to have to check them out next time I'm at Target!!
Lessons with Laughter
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