Friday, April 26, 2013

It's Friday (finally)

I absolutely love this linky!

click here to link up or check out more blogs
1. Classroom Orders were due this month. I'm an uber nerd and love buying school supplies so I had my order in excel format. (This makes it easier for me and the secretary too--I hope)

Today I got my first packages!!

Dry erase sleeves from TeacherDirect--perfect when you want an instant wipe surface and can't laminate. ($15.88 for 10) 
HotDot pens (mine were no longer registering correct answers)
2. Book Boxes have also been ordered. My IKEA box ones are in shambles. D5 (mainly the reading part) has been going strong since August...and here are the results.
I also heard IKEA doesn't have these anymore. 

I've ordered these from ReallyGoodStuff

3. In math we're learning about calendar and time. I do a binder page with all this on it EVERY.SINGLE. DAY so hopefully we can breeze through this. I did find that least year the kids were pretty good at it but not so much their seasons.

I made this page and we decorated a tree from each season to talk about season attributes.
I made it at school and quit .ppt before I saved it!!! Aahh. 

4. I love
Today I got the case for my MacBook. Now it's even prettier. I got a gift for a baby shower and 100 Laminating pouches!!! I used FREE Super Saver Shipping and it still came in just a few days. (I ordered Tuesday and all my items came today)
It's a bit more green in this photo than real life---and there's Van photobombing. 
a photo I found on google--more accurate
5. More about that collaborative blog

Teaching Blog Roundup
how cute is that!

This blog is a group of bloggers that will provide freebies, products, tips & tricks, etc. I'm very excited to be a part of this. The first official post was posted today!!! Teresa over at Fun in K/1 posted a great Mother's Day idea (oh my---almost May already!) 
Here' s an image from one of her Mother's Day ideas. (freebie!)
Click here to check out the new blog!

I'll be sharing my first post on there in May! I'm very excited. Very likely I'll share a freebie (hint hint) but I'd also like to provide some kind of tip/trick that could be helpful. Anything you're dying to know more about? (hopefully I know something about it, too--haha)

11 Replies:

Anonymous said...

Jealous you get money to spend! I get a big fat ZERO! Wah. I also got those book boxes from Really Good Stuff. I got them this year and they are wonderful!!

Primary Teacherhood

Anonymous said...

We use to get a little bit of money but that stopped last year. Now I have to even buy all my tape and staples etc... It's getting silly.
Love to book boxes your getting!

The Busy Busy Hive

Anonymous said...

I'm jealous you get money too! It's rough to get nothing. I'm your newest follower!

Ms. Cranfill's Class

Anonymous said...

I love your new book boxes! I need something new for Daily Five next year!

Teach Dream Inspire

Miss Cosby said...

Thanks for the comments. I tried replying but gmail is showing that some of you are no-reply I can't email a reply and with my blog code I can't directly reply. Sorry!

I have been fortunate to still receive money though we're seeing cutbacks. I'm going to enjoy and utilize it while I can.

Have you checked out

Tanya Dwyer said...

My book boxes look A LOT like yours and we're on our second set! I bought cardboard ones from Target to start next year with, but am really debating order the plastic over the summer...Target has plastic ones this year too! *LOVE* their Dollar Spot!

A+ Firsties

Molly said...

I'm so excited about your Teaching Blog Roundup! I'm having the same problem with my Hot Dots pens. I like the fancy new ones you have! D5 has done similar things to my poor book boxes!

Lucky to Be in First

vicky1970 said...

Thanks for the info on the new blog...looks great! Love your mac cover and new goodies. Teachers love goodies don't we? Have a great Saturday!
Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After

Mrs. Griffith said...

I use the book boxes from really good stuff for my kids' individual boxes and also for our classroom library. I have had NO problems with them and they are still just as sturdy as they were day 1 of this year!

For the Love of First Grade

Sarah Paul said...

I found you through Five for Friday and I"m so glad I did. I'm a new follower. I love the dry erase sleeves! I'm so curious about those hot dot pens too... I'll be checking out the collaborative blog!
Sarah's First Grade Snippets

Barbara L said...

Oooh, a Mac Book:) You're lucky!
What's a hot dot pen?
Grade ONEderful
Ruby Slippers Blog Designs

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