Thursday, September 6, 2012

Letter Circles

In first grade we practice so many letters and their sounds...and combinations of letters and their sounds. I wanted to have some practice letters that fit the color scheme (kinda) of my room. Here is what I came up with to practice these letters and create a sound wall.(Click to enlarge)

Check it Out

Each time we introduce a new letter sound I'll pull out the corresponding circle and practice it daily, probably during our morning meeting.

Some other ideas:
  • If you have a focus wall this would be a cute addition. 
  • You could also hang them all in advance and expose the children to them as a preview to upcoming lessons.
  • Find pictures of items that have the sounds you're practicing and use these as sorting mats.
  • Find pictures of items that have the sounds you're practicing and glue them to a clothespin and clip the picture to the correct sound
  • Word wall word headers (for a sound word wall)
How else could you use them?
Have other first grade letter combo suggestions?

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